I’m a commercial advertising photographer turned content creator.
Originally from a small town in the UK, I built a successful photography career over the course of 10 years in Europe. I’ve shot global advertising campaigns for the likes of Sony, Honda Motorcycles, Microsoft, Dell, Callaway Golf and in 2016 I risked it all to move to Los Angeles to further my career.
In 2018 I began shooting YouTube videos with my manager and in 2019 began my own channel – I haven’t looked back since.

What is SWRDZ?

SWRDZ.com is a home for my creative endeavors, whether that be a quick post about an epic photo, a full feature on a cross-country road trip I’ve taken or anything in between.
I love to share my travels and adventures and sometimes there are things that don’t deserve a full YouTube video but can’t be done justice in a simple Instagram post or story. I was mulling over ideas on how to include that type of in between content on my social platforms and figured it made more sense just to start a blog where I can post everything and you can decide what you’d like to read about.
Why the two XXs?

Ever since I was little, my mum would always put two ‘kisses’ (xx) on my birthday cards, notes and later, text messages. They represented her and I, there were two of them and they were our thing, nobody else got two kisses – just her to me and me to her. They were the first tattoo I ever got, she actually drew them on me then I had them permanently tattoo’d and I did the same on her wrist.
When it came time to design a logo I was looking around for inspiration and started googling (as you do). I searched for the historical relevance of 2 XXs and came across a viking rune called ‘Inguz’, who’s meaning is as follows:
Rune of isolation or separation in order to create a space or place where the process of transformation into higher states of being can occur. Rune of gestation and internal growth.
This meaning resonated with me, given that I had had to sacrifice so much by leaving my family and friends behind to move to America and chase my dreams. As I did more research I found even more parallels between the meaning of this ancient rune and the way I try to live my life.
Key phrases kept popping up; internal growth, personal development, the power of suggestion, the inner-child, wholeness and all forms of subtle, creative action.
Summed up, the rune symbolizes the pursuit of being a better human and that is something I strive for, through my actions, learning, travel and constant self reflection.

The two XX logo that I designed is a combination of the two ‘kisses’ I use for my mum and the Inguz rune, creating a very simple, instantly recognizable symbol that carries a huge amount of sentimental value and importance to me.
Through my YouTube videos and sharing my adventures online, I hope to inspire others to get out there and live their lives to the fullest. I want people to be the best version of themselves and inspire others around them to do the same.
Wearing this logo is a constant reminder to keep your family close and your dreams alive.
Get out there, create opportunities, seize the moment and find your next adventure.