If you’re following me on instagram you’ll know that I use Kleen Freaks products to keep my cars sparkly clean. They reached out to be on Instagram to try some products and give my feedback. After using the same Meguiars and Autoglym cleaning products for years, I wasn’t expecting to have my mind changed but after the first wash I was sold. I’d never recommend anything that I wouldn’t use myself or 100% stand behind, so you should know that when I recommend something it’s because I genuinely do and not because I’m paid to say it.

Anyway, as well as making killer cleaning products, they’re also great humans and a few weeks ago I got a surprise care package with some more product as well as a few items of merch. When I unpacked it I noticed that they had co-branded a hoodie with my neon Xs and it looked so sick merged with their logo.
I’ve worn the sh*t out of my hoodie and figured if I love it, you probably would to. So we’re doing a limited run of hoodies which you can buy here: https://swrdz.com/go/swrdz-x-kleen-freaks-hoodie/
Remember to tag your photos of you wearing your hoodie with #SWRDZxKLEENFREAKS so I can check them out!